English meaning of the Dagbani word Naawuni


  1. Allah of Muslims
    • Yɛlima: “Ŋuna Naawuni nyɛla zaɣigaŋ.” (Say “He is Allah, the one and only God”) — Quran 112:1
    • Naawuni sɔŋsim yi ti ka na, ni nasara (When the victory of Allāh has come and the conquest) — Quran 110:1
  2. God of Christian doctrine
    • Naawuni daa ti ba bɛ dahalali bihi (God let them have children of their own) — Exodus 1:21
  3. the Almighty High God of Pagans
    • Ka Naawuni leei zani ti nyaaŋa (So that God will support us)