English meaning of the Dagbani word dahima


  1. time(s)
    • BÉ› ni zaÅ‹ dahima shÉ›li n laÉ£isi lahabaya ka Å‹mahi anfooni (They took time to collect the data and take photographs/draw pictures)
  2. means, riches, privilege.
    • Dama yi zaa nuu be Naawuni ni ti ma dahima shÉ›l’ la ni (For you have all shared with me in this privilege that God has given me)
    • DinviÉ›la nyaÉ£isa dahima n-kani (lit. Doing good(financially) is good, only that the means is lacking.)
  3. opportunity, chance
    • ZaÅ‹miya yi ni mali dahima shÉ›li n-tummi di ni simdi ni yi tum shÉ›m (Make good use of every opportunity you have to do what you should do)